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Activate Creation Mode Workshop!

Get ready to transform your life with our exclusive two-hour WORLD SHIFTING workshop, Where you will move out of Survival Mode and into Creation Mode.

Not only will your view of yourself SHIFT but your BODY will align itself to the frequency of abundance during these 2 hours.

Dive deep into a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, In the workshop you'll learn to shed self-doubt, and limiting beliefs, heal from past pain, and step boldly into a life of abundance.

Unlock your true potential, embrace joy, peace, and prosperity, and start creating the life you've always dreamed of.

Join us and activate your creation mode now! It’s your turn!

This is an interactive workshop, held on Zoom, with a Q&A session at the end.

September 7

Desi Healing: An Expansive Conversation with Breathwork